Staking Pools
Staking is holding cryptocurrency in a wallet for a period of time to support blockchain operations.
What are Staking Pools?
Purpose: Groups of users combine their crypto holdings to increase their chances of validating transactions and earning rewards.
Benefit: Even those with a smaller amount of cryptocurrency can participate and earn rewards.
How to Get Started with Staking
Available Tokens: KoinBay offers staking for KBT and USDT.
Choose Staking Product:
Navigate to the Staking page.
Select the asset and lock period.
Review the estimated APY, lock period, and minimum amount.
Note that staked assets will be locked and cannot be withdrawn or transacted with during the staking period.
Enter the amount you want to stake.
Confirm by clicking 'Agree to PoS'.
Interest starts accumulating from 00:00 (UTC) of the following day.
Rewards are distributed weekly to your Fiat and Spot Wallet.
Check 'Pending', 'Processing', and 'Finished' staking operations.
View staking history under 'Staking Report' or 'Financial Account'.
What is Locked Staking?
Process: Locking digital assets on a Proof of Stake blockchain.
Rewards: Earn staking rewards for contributing to the network.
Ease of Use: KoinBay handles the technical requirements.
Rewards and Redemption
Accrual of Rewards: Interest begins from the start date and is distributed weekly.
Assets are redeemed after the staking period.
Unlocking takes about 48-72 hours due to time zone differences.
Principal withdrawal is only possible on the release date, but interest can be withdrawn anytime.
Last updated