Public API
Security: Noneβ
Endpoints under Public section can be accessed freely without requiring any API-key or signatures.
1) Test Connectivity
Method: Get
2) Check Server Time
Method: Get
3) Pairs List
Method: Get
name | type | example | description |
symbol | string | BTCUSDT | Name of the symbol |
baseAsset | string | BTC | Underlying asset for the symbol |
quoteAsset | string | USDT | Quote asset for the symbol |
pricePrecision | integer | 2 | Precision of the price |
QuantityPrecision | integer | 6 | Precision of the quantity |
MarketSecurity Type: NoneβMarket section can be accessed freely without requiring any API-key or signatures.
Security Type: Noneβ
Market section can be accessed freely without requiring any API-key or signatures.
1) Market Depth
Method: Get
name | type | example | description |
time | long |
| Current timestamp (ms) |
bids | list | ; | List of all bids, best bids first. See below for entry details. |
asks | list | ; | List of all asks, best asks first. See below for entry details. |
The fields bids and asks are lists of order book price level entries, sorted from best to worst.
name | type | example | description |
' ' | float | 131.1 | price level |
' ' | flot | 2.3 | The total quantity of orders for this price level |
2) 24 hrs ticker
Method: Get
name | type | example | description |
time | long |
| Open Time |
high | float |
| High Price |
low | float |
| Low Price |
last | float |
| Last Price |
vol | float |
| Tarde Volume |
3) Recent Trades List
URL: Method: Get
name | type | example | description |
symbol | string | BTCUSDT | Name of the symbol |
baseAsset | string | BTC | Underlying asset for the symbol |
quoteAsset | string | USDT | Quote asset for the symbol |
pricePrecision | integer | 2 | Precision of the price |
QuantityPrecision | integer | 6 | Precision of the quantity |
4) Kline/candlestick data
Method: Get
name | type | example | description |
idx | long | 1538728740000 | Open time |
open | float | 36.00000 | open price |
close | float | 33.00000 | close price |
high | float | 36.00000 | high price |
low | float | 30.00000 | low price |
vol | float | 2456.111 | volume |
Security Type: TRADEβ
Endpoints under Trade require an API-key and a signature.β
1) New Order
Method: Post
Rate Limit: 100times/2s
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
X-CH-SIGN | string | Sign | Optional |
X-CH-APIKEY | string | Your API-key | Optional |
X-CH-TS | integer | timestamp | Optional |
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
symbol | string | Symbol Name. E.g. | Optional |
volume | number | Order vol. For MARKET BUY orders, vol=amount. | |
Success Response:
name | type | example | |
orderId | long | 150695552109032492 | ID of the order |
clientOrderId | string | 213443 | A unique ID of the order. |
symbol | string | BTCUSDT | Symbol Name |
transactTime | integer | 1273774892913 | Time the order is placed |
price | float | 4765.29 | Price of the order |
origQty | float | 1.01 | Quantity ordered |
executedQty | float | 1.01 | Quantity of orders that has been executed |
type | string | LIMIT | Order type LIMIT,MARKET |
side | string | BUY | Order sideοΌBUY, SELL |
status | string | NEW | The state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, and REJECTED. |
2) Test New Order
Test new order creation and signature/recvWindow length. Creates and validates a new order but does not send the order into the matching engine.
Method: Post
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
X-CH-SIGN | string | Sign | Optional |
X-CH-APIKEY | string | Your API-key | Optional |
X-CH-TS | integer | timestamp | Optional |
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
recWindow | integer | Time window | Optional |
symbol | string | Symbol Name. E.g. | Optional |
volume | number | Order vol. For MARKET BUY orders, vol=amount. | Optional |
side | string | Side of the order, | Optional |
type | string | Type of the order, | Optional |
price | number | Order price, REQUIRED for | Optional |
newClientOrderId | string | Unique order ID generated by users to mark their orders | Optional |
Success Response:
3) Batch Orders
Method: Get
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
X-CH-SIGN | string | Sign | Optional |
X-CH-APIKEY | string | Your API-key | Optional |
X-CH-TS | integer | timestamp | Optional |
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
orders | array | Batch order param | Optional |
symbol | string | Symbol Name. E.g. | Optional |
Success Response: 200:OK
Request orders field:
name | type | example | |
price | float | 1000 | Price of the order |
volume | float | 20.1 | Vol of the order |
side | string | BUY/SELL | Side of the order |
batchType | string | LIMIT/MARKET | atch type of the order |
4) Query Order
Method: Get
Rate Limit:20 times/2s
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
X-CH-SIGN | string | Sign | Optional |
X-CH-APIKEY | string | Your API-key | Optional |
X-CH-TS | integer | timestamp | Optional |
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
orderId | string | Order ID | Optional |
newClientOrderId | string | Client Order Id, Unique order ID generated by users to mark their orders. E.g. 1234MID54231 | Optional |
symbol | string | Symbol Name. E.g. | Optional |
Success Responses: 200:OK
name | type | example | |
orderId | long | 150695552109032492 | ID of the order |
clientOrderId | string | 213443 | Unique ID of the order. |
symbol | string | BTCUSDT | Name of the symbol |
price | float | 4765.29 | Price of the order |
origQty | float | 1.01 | Quantity ordered |
executedQty | float | 1.01 | Quantity of orders that has been executed |
avgPrice | float | 4754.24 | Average price of filled orders. |
type | string | LIMIT | The order typeLIMIT,MARKET |
side | string | BUY | The order sideBUY,SELL |
status | string | NEW | The state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, and REJECTED. |
5) Cancel Order
Rate Limit: 100time/2s
Method: Post
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
X-CH-SIGN | string | Sign | Optional |
X-CH-APIKEY | string | Your API-key | Optional |
X-CH-TS | integer | timestamp | Optional |
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
orderId | string | Order ID | Optional |
newClientOrderId | string | Client Order Id, Unique order ID generated by users to mark their orders. E.g. 354444heihieddada | Optional |
symbol | string | Symbol Name. E.g. | Optional |
Success Response: 200:OK
name | type | example | |
orderId | long | 150695552109032492 | ID of the order |
clientOrderId | string | 213443 | Unique ID of the order. |
symbol | string | BHTUSDT | Name of the symbol |
status | string | NEW | The state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, and REJECTED. |
6) Batch Cancel Orders
The batch must contain a maximum 10 orders
Method: Post
Rate Limit: 50times/2s
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
X-CH-SIGN | string | Sign | Optional |
X-CH-APIKEY | string | Your API-key | Optional |
X-CH-TS | integer | timestamp | Optional |
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
orderId | array | Order ID | Optional |
symbol | string | Symbol Name. E.g. | Optional |
Success Response: 200: OK
7) Current Open Orders
Method: Get
Rate Limit: 20times/2s
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
symbol | string | Symbol Name. E.g. | Optional |
limit | integer | Default 100; Max 1000 | Optional |
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
X-CH-SIGN | string | Sign | Optional |
X-CH-APIKEY | string | Your API-key | Optional |
X-CH-TS | integer | timestamp | Optional |
Success Responses: 200:OK
name | type | example | |
orderId | long | 150695552109032492 | ID of the order |
clientOrderId | string | 213443 | Unique ID of the order. |
symbol | string | BTCUSDT | Name of the symbol |
price | float | 4765.29 | Price of the order |
origQty | float | 1.01 | Quantity ordered |
executedQty | float | 1.01 | Quantity of orders that has been executed |
avgPrice | float | 4754.24 | Average price of filled orders. |
type | string | LIMIT | The order typeLIMIT,MARKET |
side | string | BUY | The order side BUY,SELL |
status | string | NEW | The state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, and REJECTED. |
8) Trades
Method: Get
Rate Limit:20 times/2s
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
symbol | string | Symbol Name. E.g. | Optional |
limit | integer | Default 100; Max 1000 | Optional |
fromId | integer | Trade Id to fetch from | Optional |
Particulars | Type | Description | Requirement |
X-CH-SIGN | string | Sign | Optional |
X-CH-APIKEY | string | Your API-key | Optional |
X-CH-TS | integer | timestamp | Optional |
Success Responses: 200: OK
name | type | example | |
symbol | string | ETHBTC | Symbol Name |
id | integer | 28457 | Trade ID |
bidId | long | 150695552109032492 | Bid Order ID |
askId | long | 150695552109032493 | Ask Order ID |
price | integer | 4.01 | Price of the trade |
qty | float | 12 | Quantiry of the trade |
time | number | 1499865549590 | timestamp of the trade |
isBuyer | bool | true | true= Buyer false= Seller |
isMaker | bool | false | true=Maker false=Taker |
feeCoin | string | ETH | Trading fee coin |
fee | number | 0.001 | Trading fee |
Security Type: USER_DATAβ
Endpoints under Account require an API-key and a signature.β
Account Information
Method: Get
Rate Limit:20times/2s
Success Responses: 200:OK
name | type | desciption |
balances | [ ] | Show balance details |
name | type | example | |
asset | string | USDT | Name of the asset |
free | float | 1000.30 | Amount available for use |
locked | float | 400 | Amount locked (for open orders) |
Last updated